A cuboid fish tank is four fifths of a meter long and two fifths of a meter wide. It contains sixteen fifths of a cubic meter of water. How deep is it?

A cuboid fish tank is four fifths of a meter long and two fifths of a meter wide. It contains sixteen fifths of a cubic meter of water. How deep is it?

6 / 75 (4 / 5 × 2 / 5)
=6 / 75 / 8 / 25
=1 / 4 (m)
A: the water depth is one fourth of a meter

A cuboid goldfish tank measures four fifths of its length, one fourth of its width, one-half of its height and one meter of its depth. How many cubic meters of water is there in the tank

The volume of water in the fish tank = the area of the bottom of the fish tank × the height of the water
=0.06 cubic Mi if it helps you, please adopt it

How much water is there in a cuboid with a depth of 25 meters and a length of 9 minutes

How many cubic meters of water is it?