Is Shenzhou-5 more than one light-year away from the earth in space

Is Shenzhou-5 more than one light-year away from the earth in space

It's far less than one light year. One light year = the distance light travels in a year = 300000 kilometers per second multiplied by one year's time (converted into seconds). Light can circle the earth seven times a second. Calculate the radius of the earth is about 6375km, and shen5 is only a few hundred kilometers away from the earth

How many kilometers is a light-year away from the earth, about how much time?

Light year is a unit for calculating distance, not time. Light year is a unit for measuring the distance between celestial bodies, which is generally used to measure the distance between celestial bodies. It means that the distance of light propagating along a straight line in vacuum for one year is about 9460.5 billion kilometers, which is calculated by time and light speed