How many kilometers is 16 light years? Please gods

How many kilometers is 16 light years? Please gods

One light year = 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 × 3 × 10 ^ 8 = 946000000000 M = 946000000000 km = 9.46 × 10 ^ 12 16 light year = 16 × 9.469.46 × 10 ^ 12

How many nanometers is 15 billion light years?

1.41907926*10^17 nm
There is no unified standard for reading. It can be read as: 1.419.0792.6 billion nanometers

What is the depth of the universe observed by human beings at least? Note that this is 15 billion light years, not 13 billion

My God, my friend, why do you have to be so stubborn to calculate the "meter" of depth? In astronomy, it is very useful to use "light year" as the quantifier, just as you ask how many kilometers Tianjin is from Beijing, not how many decimeters it is a concept
Light year refers to the distance that light travels in a year, which is about 9460 billion kilometers (or 5880 billion miles). It is more formally defined as the distance that a photon travels in free space and infinitely far away from any gravitational field or magnetic field in a Julian year (365.25 days, which is equivalent to 86400 seconds per day), 792458m (accurate), so one light year is 94607304725800m (accurate), or about the same as meter = 9.46paim. You use 94607304725800m x 5000000000 = the result you want!