On the physical problems of measuring the density of eggs Using spring dynamometer, beaker, water and thin wire, a scheme of measuring egg density is designed, and the experimental steps and expression of egg density are written Can you make it clear? What is the specific gravity?

On the physical problems of measuring the density of eggs Using spring dynamometer, beaker, water and thin wire, a scheme of measuring egg density is designed, and the experimental steps and expression of egg density are written Can you make it clear? What is the specific gravity?

1. Measure the egg quality
Fill the beaker with water and record the scale
Slowly put in the eggs and record the scale
Subtract the two values and multiply by the mass of the specific gravity of water
2. Measure the volume of eggs
Fill the beaker with water and record the scale
Slowly add the eggs and press them into the water. Record the scale
The volume is obtained by subtracting the two values
Divide by three

How to measure the density of eggs?
What are the specific experimental steps for measuring egg density with spring dynamometer, water, water cup, line and other equipment?

Excuse me, does the cup have a scale?
Just think of your cup as having one
1. Use a dynamometer to measure the quality of eggs
2. Pour the water into the glass (without the amount of eggs) and record the scale of the water
3. Put the eggs in the water and mark the scale
4. The volume of water V can be obtained by subtracting 2 from 3
5, according to ρ = m / V, m egg / v = P egg
Later, I thought that it doesn't matter if there is no scale, it doesn't matter
2. Fill the glass with water and measure its weight m water 1
3. Put the eggs in completely, take out the eggs after the water overflows, and then measure the weight m water 2
4, mwater 1-mwater 2 = mwater, generally pwater = 1g / cm3, so the volume V can be obtained directly

Please use buoyancy knowledge, use beaker water salt densimeter to measure the density of an egg, and write down the experimental steps

1. Pour the water into the beaker
2. Put in eggs (eggs sink into water)
3. Put the egg in the water until the salt is dissolved
4. At this time, the density of water measured by densimeter is the density of eggs