If you don't have a balance and a measuring cylinder, how can you measure 100g alcohol

If you don't have a balance and a measuring cylinder, how can you measure 100g alcohol

Because the density of alcohol is 0.8g/cm3
It's 100 cm3 of alcohol
That's 125ml

How to measure 119g alcohol without balance and only with measuring cylinder
Wrong number. It's 100g
But I know how to do it

Just know the alcohol density. 0.8 g / cm3
119g / 0.8 is 148.75 cubic centimeter. That's 1.4875l 1487.5ml!

In order to measure kerosene with a density of 0.8 × 10 cubic kg / M cubic and a mass of 100g at one time, there are four kinds of measuring cylinders to choose from
A. The range is 0 ~ 50ml, and the division value is 1ml
B. The range is 0 ~ 100ml, and the division value is 2ml
C. The range is 0 ~ 200ml, and the division value is 5ml
D. The range is 0 ~ 250ml, and the division value is 10ml
My idea is:
Because the measuring range is about volume, v = m divided by P, but the unit of M is different from P. I change m to 0.1kg, and then use the cubic power of 0.1kg △ 0.8 × 10, the cubic power of kg / m, but I can't get the correct answer

According to v = m / P, volume is equal to mass divided by density, so the volume is 125ml, so you can only use the measuring cylinder of C. your algorithm is mainly that the unit has not changed, so it is not intuitive