How to make ice in the refrigerator?

How to make ice in the refrigerator?

If you want to make ice for your mouth, remember to make it with cold boiled water
You can use a special ice box or a disposable ice bag. Pour cold boiled water into the mouth of the ice bag, and the water will be divided into grids, which will not leak after sealing. Put it into the refrigerator freezing layer. When you take the ice, you can directly push it on the grid with your thumb, and the ice will come out. It's easier to take than the ice box

How big is a piece of ice with a volume of 100cm3 melted into water? (ρ ice = 0.9 × 103kg / m3)

Given: V ice = 100cm3 = 10-4m3, ρ ice = 0.9 × 103kg / m3, ρ water = 1 × 103kg / m3, find: V water m ice = ρ ice, V ice = 0.9 × 103kg / m3 × 10-4m3 = 0.09kg, ∵ m water = m ice ∵ V water = m water, ρ water = 0.09kg, 1 × 103kg / m3 = & nbsp; 9 × 10 − 5M3 = & nbsp; 90cm3

The mass of the water is 1 m3 after all the ice is melted into water______ Kg, the volume of water is______ m3.

M water = m ice = ρ ice V ice = 0.9 × 103kg / m3 × 1m3 = 900kgv water = m water ρ water = 900kg1 × 103kg / m3 = 0.9m3, so the answer is: 900, 0.9