The volume of 8 square decimeters of cube aluminum block in the area of 1.5 square decimeters of horizontal desktop, find the aluminum block on the desktop pressure is how much The best formula is the same

The volume of 8 square decimeters of cube aluminum block in the area of 1.5 square decimeters of horizontal desktop, find the aluminum block on the desktop pressure is how much The best formula is the same

Pressure = f / S
On a smaller scale
P aluminum * 8 * g / 1.5

When a cube aluminum block with a mass of 2.7kg is placed in the center of the horizontal table top of 1m2, what is the pressure of the aluminum block on the table top? (g = 10N / kg, ρ al = 2.7g/cm3)

The pressure of aluminum block on the table: F = g = mg = 2.7kg × 10N / kg = 27N; the volume of cube aluminum block: v = m, ρ = 2.7kg, 2.7 × 103kg / m3 = 1 × 10-3m3, then the side length of cube aluminum block is 0.1M, the area is s = 0.01m2, the pressure of aluminum block on the table is p = FS = 27n0.01m2 = 2700pa

There is a cube aluminum block with a mass of 2.7kg, which is placed in the center of the horizontal tabletop with an area of 1m and 178; how much pressure does the tabletop bear?
Density = 2.7 × 10 cubic kg / M cubic

V = m / density = 2.7 / 2.7 * 10 ^ 3 = 1 * 10 ^ (- 3) m ^ 3, then side length a = 0.1M
Bottom area s = a ^ 2 = 0.01M ^ 2
Pressure = g / S = 2.7 * 10 / 0.01 = 2.7 * 10 ^ 3