The average density of human body is about 1.06g/cubic centimeter, which should be 1.06g/cubic centimeter____ Kg / m3, a middle school student with a mass of 50kg, its volume is ____ Cubic meter____ Cubic decimeter_____ Cubic centimeter

The average density of human body is about 1.06g/cubic centimeter, which should be 1.06g/cubic centimeter____ Kg / m3, a middle school student with a mass of 50kg, its volume is ____ Cubic meter____ Cubic decimeter_____ Cubic centimeter

1060kg / m3, about 0.0472 m3, about 47.2 cubic decimeter, about 47170 cubic centimeter

The density of human body is similar to the density of water (ρ water = 1.0 × 103 & nbsp; kg / m3). Estimate your body volume according to your mass (set 50kg)

Known: M = 50kg, ρ ≈ ρ water = 1.0 × 103kg / m3, find: V ∵ ρ = MV ∵ v = m ρ = 50kg, 1 × 103kg / m3 = 0.05m3. Answer: the volume of your body is 0.05m3

The density of human body is similar to that of water. Estimate your body volume according to your mass

The density of human body ρ human ≈ρ water = 1.0 × 10 # - 179; kg / m # - 179; kg / m # - 179; kg / m # - 179;
The average mass of junior high school students is 50 kg,
From ρ person = m person / V person, the body volume of junior high school students V person = m person / ρ person = 50 kg ^ (1.0 × 10 ^ - 179; kg / m ^ - 179;) = 0.05 m ^ - 179;
A: the body size of junior high school students is generally about 0.05 meters