Xiao Ming ran 100 meters in 18 and 1 / 6 minutes. How long does it take for him to run 120 meters at this speed?

Xiao Ming ran 100 meters in 18 and 1 / 6 minutes. How long does it take for him to run 120 meters at this speed?

21, 5, 4 minutes

72m = [] km 25 min = [] 250g = [] kg 1008ml = [] l 375cm = [] m 85dm & # 178; = [] M & # 178;
72m = [] km, 25min = [], 250g = [] kg, 1008ml = [] l, 375cm = [] m, 85dm & # 178; = [] M & # 178;

25 points = [5 / 12]
250g=【0.25】kg 、
375cm=【3.75】m 、

What is 9cm equal to? What is 13g equal to? What is kg? What is 31:00? What is 51dm2 equal to? What is 250m equal to? What is km? What is 47 seconds equal to? What is the score

9cm is equal to 9 / 100M, 13g is equal to 13 / 1000kg, 31:00 is equal to 31 / 24, 51dm2 is equal to 51 / 100m2, 250m is equal to 1 / 4km, 47 seconds is equal to 47 / 60min

I don't know how to calculate 125m = km,


Fill in the brackets with the simplest fraction. 600 kg=______ 90 cents per ton=______ 75 cm at the end of the day=______ M 65 ml=______ 30 m=______ km450g=______ kg.

(1) 600kg = 0.6T (2) 90min = 1.5 (3) 75cm = 0.75m (4) 65ml = 0.065l (5) 30m = 0.03km (6) 450g = 0.45kg, so the answer is: 0.6, 1.5, 0.75, 0.065, 0.03, 0.45

9dm2 equals () m2. 79cm equals () M. 35g equals () kg. 56ml equals () L. 5kg equals () t. 123dm3 equals () m3

9dm & # 178; is equal to (0.09) M & # 178
79cm is equal to (0.79) M
35g is equal to (0.035) kg
56ml is equal to (0.056) L
5kg is equal to (0.005) t
123dm & # 179; equal to (0.123) M & # 179;

Subtracting the second power of 5m equals 5 - 5m + 5, the algebraic formula is

The original algebraic formula = the second power of 5 - 5m + 5 plus 5m
=The second power of 5 + 5

The physical meaning of water density

The mass of water per cubic meter is 1.0 × 10 ~ (- 179) kg

Water: density___________ Read as________ Physical meaning__________

Density: 1g / cm3 or 1 × 10 ^ 3kg / m3
It's one gram per cubic centimeter or one times 10 to the third power of kilogram per cubic meter
Physical meaning: at 4 ℃, the mass of water per cubic centimeter is 1g or the mass of water per cubic meter is 1 × 10 ^ 3kg

The mass of a piece of ice is 540g. When it is completely turned into water, what is the mass and volume of ice? The density of ice is 900kg / m3
It's at room temperature

Constant mass or 540g
Density = mass divided by volume
Volume = mass divided by density = 540 divided by 900kg / m3 = 0.82kg/m3
I don't know if it's right. I'm a student, too!