The prime factors of a composite number are 5, 3 and 11

The prime factors of a composite number are 5, 3 and 11


What is prime factor? Can we understand it like this: for example, 35 = 7 × 5, 44 = 2 × 2 × 11, that is to say, a composite number can divide it into the form of multiplying several factors. For example, 35 is composite number, 7 and 5 are prime numbers, 44 is composite number, 2 and 2 and 11 are prime numbers, that is to say, composite number = can multiply several factors, it is all prime factor, How to say the prime factor literally? Please explain the basic principle and its formula. Thank you

For √, the prime factor is the factor that a number is prime (multiplied by this number)

The prime factor of a composite number is 3.5.7, and the composite number is ()


A composite number contains only prime factors 3, 5 and 7. The composite number is ()


What is a factor? What is a prime factor? What is a composite number?
It doesn't need to be complicated

If an integer is divided by another integer, the latter is the factor of the former. For example, if 1, 2 and 4 are all 8, in a division, if the divisor is divided by the divisor, the quotient obtained is all natural and has no remainder, that is to say, the divisor is a multiple of the divisor, and the divisor is the factor of the divisor

It is proved that there are infinitely many integers x such that x ^ 5 + (x + 1) ^ 4 is a composite number

Let x + 1 = y ^ 5,
Then x ^ 5 + (x + 1) ^ 4 = x ^ 5 + (y ^ 4) ^ 5 = (x + y ^ 4) (x ^ 4 - x ^ 3 * y ^ 4 +... + y ^ 16) is a composite number,
And Y is arbitrary, so there are infinitely many x's
(note that a ^ 5 + B ^ 5 can be factorized)

Are there 2010 consecutive natural numbers, all of which are composite numbers?

The strict proof needs the prime number distribution method
But I can teach you a way to be lazy:
If k = 2011! (k = 1 * 2 * 3 * ··· * 2011), then
K + 2 is divisible by 2,
K + 3 is divisible by 3,
K + n is divisible by n,
K + 2011 can be divided by 2011,
A total of 2010,

1. Whether there are four consecutive positive integers, all of which are composite numbers? If so, find out the smallest set of values; if not, explain the reason
2. Write a continuous positive integer so that each number is a composite number

1. Starting from 1, the product of continuous K numbers is n
Then n, N + 1, N + 2, N + 3. N + k are sum numbers,
Then 24, 25, 26 and 27 are the smallest group of four consecutive numbers
2、 27722、27723、27724、27725、27726、27727、27728、27729、27730、27731

When a and B are rational numbers and N is a positive integer, is it right that the nth power of a is multiplied by the nth power of B = (AB)?

That's right

It is proved that for all positive integers K, there is always an n-th power of 7, 7 ^ n = ###############