If the gravitational constant G is known, which of the following data can be used to calculate the mass of the earth () A. Know the cycle of the earth around the sun and the distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun B. know the cycle of the moon around the earth and the distance from the center of the moon to the center of the earth C. know the speed and cycle of the artificial earth satellite around the ground D. know the height of the geostationary satellite above the ground

If the gravitational constant G is known, which of the following data can be used to calculate the mass of the earth () A. Know the cycle of the earth around the sun and the distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun B. know the cycle of the moon around the earth and the distance from the center of the moon to the center of the earth C. know the speed and cycle of the artificial earth satellite around the ground D. know the height of the geostationary satellite above the ground

According to the model of revolving celestial body around the center celestial body, according to the universal gravitation equal to the centripetal force, the mass of the center celestial body can be calculated from the revolution radius and period of revolving celestial body

The time for sunlight to reach the earth is about 8 minutes. How many meters is the distance between the sun and the earth

The eleventh power of 1.44 * 10

How to calculate the distance from the earth to the sun and the moon?

The propagation speed of light is 300000 km / s. It takes 4.22 years for the light from the neighboring star to reach the earth. What is the distance between the neighboring star and the earth? (keep two significant figures)
A year is calculated according to 365 days! It is the result to keep two valid numbers, and the unit is calculated according to km!

4.22 light years
Light year is also a distance unit
One light year = 300000 km * 3600 (seconds) * 24 (hours) * 365 (days)
=683280 million km = 6.8328 * 10 ^ 14
4.22 light years = 28834416 million km

The Milky way is composed of 100 billion to 200 billion stars. How many light years is the diameter

The galaxy is the star system of the solar system, including 120 billion stars, a large number of star clusters, nebulae, and various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust. Its diameter is about 100000 light-years, its central thickness is about 12000 light-years, and its total mass is 140 billion times of the mass of the sun, The sun is located on the Orion Arm of the Milky way, which is about 26000 light-years away from the center of the Milky way

According to the calculation of astronomers, the nearest star apart from the sun is the nearest star 4.2 light years away
(1) The light year here is a unit of length, one light year=___ M (360 days per year)
(2) If the astronauts set out from the earth in a space shuttle with a speed of 1000m / s, they need to____ It's only ten years before we reach the nearby star

7.2 × 10 ^ 6 years

The Milky way is composed of 100 billion to 200 billion stars. How many light years is its diameter

The galaxy is the star system of the solar system, including 120 billion stars, a large number of star clusters and nebulae, as well as various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust. Its diameter is about 100000 light-years, its central thickness is about 12000 light-years, and its total mass is 140 billion of the mass of the sun

Light year is the time of light______ The distance of transmission, if 365 days a year, is 1 light year=______ m. The nearest star to the solar system is the nearby star in Centaurus, which is 4.3 light-years away from us. If the speed of our spacecraft is 17 & nbsp; km / s, it will take us about a trip to the nearby star______ Time of year (two significant figures are retained in the calculation results)

1 light year = 365 × 24 × 3600 × 3 × 108m ≈ 9.5 × 1015m. The distance to and from "Bilin star" is s = 4.3 light years × 2 = 8.6 light years = 8.6 × 9.5 × 1015m; the speed of spacecraft: v = 17 & nbsp; km / S = 17000m / S; the time required: T = SV = 8.6 × 9.5 × 1015m17000m / s ≈ 4.8 × 1012s ≈ 1.5 × 105 years

The measurement of the speed of light has a very special and important significance in the history of optical development. It not only promoted the development of optical experiments, but also broke the traditional concept of infinite speed of light, which led to a physical revolution. Einstein put forward the theory of relativity. (2) as shown in the figure, Michelson's experimental diagram of measuring the speed of light with the method of rotating octahedral mirror, in which p is the rotatable octahedral mirror and S is the emission The distance between the octahedral mirror and the reflecting system is ab = l (l can be as long as several tens of kilometers), which is much larger than the distance between OB and s and t. now the octahedral mirror can rotate, and slowly increase its rotation speed. When the number of rotations per second reaches N0, the luminous point s can be seen in the telescope for the first time, so that it can be seen Please write down the expression for measuring the speed of light. (3) a car is running on the horizontal ground at the speed V, and a light source at the bottom of the car sends out a light signal to the roof. It is known that the time taken by the observer in the car to measure this process is △ T0, as shown in figure (a). Another observer is standing on the ground, and he measures the time taken by this process Research shows that whether the observer is standing in the car or on the ground inside the car, the height l0 of the car is constant, and the speed of light propagation in the car and on the ground inside the car is C. try to judge which one is greater, and what conclusion can be drawn from it
(1) The initial speed of light was measured according to the theory of Romer, a Danish scientist. Romer made a long-term systematic observation and study of the Jupiter system. He found that the nearest moon to Jupiter, IO, would be eclipsed by Jupiter once every other period of time. This time interval is not exactly the same in each time of the year. Romer is explaining this phenomenon According to Xiangshi, this is because it takes time for light to cross the earth's orbit. The longest time can be up to 22 minutes. The radius of the earth's orbit is known to be 1.5 × 108 km. Please calculate the speed of light according to Romer's data

(1) C = 2rt = 2 × 1.5 × 108km, 22 × 60s = 2.3 × 105km / s, (2) from the first sight of the luminous point, it can be seen that the time for the distance of light propagation 2L is equal to the time for the octahedral mirror to rotate 18 turns, that is, t = 18n0. The speed of light is C = 2l18n0 = 16n0l. (3) observe △ t0 = l0c in the car and (V △ T) 2 + L02 = (C △ T) 2 △ t = l0c2-v2 > l0c = △ t0 on the ground The clock slows down in the frame of reference

Speed of light measurement
"Does it take time for light to travel?" this is a question of great interest to early physicists. Galileo was the first to try to determine the speed of light, but it was not successful. In 1926, Michelson used the rotating Ling mirror method to carry out experiments in two places about 35km away, and measured the speed of light more accurately. The experimental device is shown in the figure, and the process is roughly as follows: a strong light source s was installed on the first mountain, If the octahedral mirror is still, the reflected light will be reflected again on the other side 3 of the octahedral mirror and enter the eyes of the observer after passing through the telescope
(1) In this experiment, the time required for light to travel from the light source to the telescope tube is about S. (2) if the octahedral mirror starts to rotate from slow to fast from static, when the light source s is first seen in the telescope, the rotation speed of the octahedral mirror is kept unchanged, and the number of revolutions of the octahedral mirror in every 1s is calculated?
(3) If you want to see the light source s in the telescope tube, the rotation of the octahedral mirror should meet the following conditions

(1) 2.3 × 10 ^ (- 4) or 2.33 × 10 ^ (- 4) (2) the rotation time of the octahedral mirror is t = 8 × 2L / C = 1.84 × 10 ^ (- 3) s, and the rotation number per second is n = 1 / T = 543. (3) in the propagation time of light returning to the octahedral mirror after reflecting from the octahedral mirror, any one of the mirrors of the octahedral mirror is in the position shown in mirror 1 at the first and last time