How far is mercury / Venus / earth / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune from the sun? Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, help me! I urgently need the distance between mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the sun! Please help me!

How far is mercury / Venus / earth / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune from the sun? Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, help me! I urgently need the distance between mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the sun! Please help me!

Mercury: 57910000 km
Venus: 108200000 km
Earth: 149600000 km
Mars: 227940000 km
Jupiter: 778330000 km
Saturn: 1429.4 million km
Uranus: 2870990000 km
Neptune: 450.4 million km

The radius of the earth's orbit is often used as a unit of length in astronomy, which is called an astronomical unit
It is known that the orbit radius of Mars revolution is 1.5 astronomical units. According to Kepler's third law, what is the period of Mars revolution? It is calculated by the earth's solar belt formula!

Kepler's third law means that the ratio of the cube of the semimajor axis of the elliptical orbit to the square of the period of all planets in the elliptical orbit with the sun as the focus is a constant
That is to say, R land and t land and 178; = k = R fire and t land and 178;
The earth's revolution period is 365.25 Earth days
Ψ r fire and t fire and t fire 178; = k = R fire and t fire and t fire 178;
{ t fire and{178; = (r fire and{179; / R ground and{179;) × t ground and{178;
T fire = 671.0 Earth Day

The radius of the earth's orbit is often used as a unit of length in astronomy, which is called an astronomical unit
The radius of the earth's orbit is often used as a unit of length in astronomy, which is called an astronomical unit. It is used to measure the distance between the celestial bodies in the solar system and the sun. It is known that the orbit radius of Mars is 1.5 astronomical units. According to Kepler's third law, what is the period of Mars' orbit?

Kepler's third law: t earth: t fire = (r earth: R fire) ^ 3 / 2. It is known that the period of the earth is one year, the orbit radius is 1 astronomical unit, and the orbit radius of Mars is 1.5 astronomical unit. Substituting it into 1: t fire = (1:1.5) ^ 3 / 2T fire = 1.5 ^ 3 / 2T fire = 1.837 (years), the average radius of Mars is actually 1.524 astronomical units

In astronomy, the average radius of the earth's orbit around the sun is regarded as a unit of length. Why is it called a larger unit of length

Astronomical unit the length of the semimajor axis of the earth's elliptical orbit around the sun. Its value is 149597870 km. It usually refers to the average distance between the earth and the sun

The moon, the earth and the sun make up several celestial systems

The earth and the moon form the Earth Moon system, and the earth and other planets form the solar system together with the sun

Which of the following objects is closest to the earth? A Moon B Sun C Venus

Mercury is 57910000 km away from the sun
Venus is 108200000 km away from the sun
The earth is 149600000 km
Mars is 227940000 km from the sun
Jupiter is 778330000 km away from the sun
Saturn is 1429.4 million kilometers from the sun
Uranus is 2870990000 km away from the sun
Neptune is 450.4 million kilometers away from the sun
The average distance between Pluto and the sun is 5913520000 km
Therefore, according to the distance from the earth, the order is from near to far
The nine planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in order of distance from the sun
The distance between the moon and the earth is 380000 km
The answer is: the moon

Why is the sun an important celestial body on earth

The energy on the earth comes from the sunlight, and the existence of the sun shapes the earth today

The earth is a type of star, the moon is a type of star, and the sun is a type of star

The earth is a planet, the moon is a satellite, and the sun is a star

What is the celestial system composed of the sun and the earth
I'm sorry to ask you the wrong question. What are the levels of the celestial system
A-B two C three D four

The arrangement of celestial system from large to small
1. Total Galaxy 2. Milky Way galaxy, extragalactic Galaxy 3. Solar system 4. Earth Moon system
Of course, the solar system is made up of the sun and the earth, so it's the third level. Choose C

What is the name of a star like the sun, which can emit light by itself
