What phase is the moon in the middle of the sun and the earth, and what phase is the arrangement of the sun and the earth

What phase is the moon in the middle of the sun and the earth, and what phase is the arrangement of the sun and the earth

The lunar phase between the sun and the earth is called Shuo, which is the 30th and the 1st day of the lunar calendar;
The moon phase of the sun, earth and moon is called Wang, which is the 15th and 16th lunar calendar
Total solar eclipse, annular solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse are not called phases of the moon

The sun, the earth and the moon are in a line. What phase is the moon in the middle

New moon

Question: the position of the earth, moon and sun in different phases of the moon

It is the sun, the earth, the moon in a certain position, as long as you remember: "up West West West, down east east" the first quarter moon: the first quarter moon comes out in the middle of the night, in the west, the moon faces west