Derivation process of solving Maxwell equations

Derivation process of solving Maxwell equations

If this is an electrostatic field, Maxwell's equations are transformed into scalar Laplace's equations or Poisson's equations
If it is a constant magnetic field, it is transformed into the solution of vector Laplace equation or Poisson equation
If the wave equation of the active electromagnetic field is also the wave equation of the time-varying one
All these equations can only be solved with boundary conditions
In most cases, there is no analytical solution, only numerical method can be used

The derivation of the principle of invariable light speed

Einstein's famous relativistic paper on electrodynamics of moving bodies, published in the German Physics Yearbook in September 1905, mentions the speed of light in four paragraphs
"Light always travels at a certain velocity V in the empty space, which has nothing to do with the motion state of the emitter."
"The following considerations are based on the principle of relativity and the principle of constant speed of light, which we define as follows:
1. The law on which the state of a physical system changes has nothing to do with which of the two coordinate systems moving in parallel with each other at a constant speed is the coordinate system to which these state changes are described
2. Any light is moving at a certain speed V in the "stationary" coordinate system, whether it is emitted by a stationary or a moving object. "
"For the speed greater than the speed of light, our discussion will become beyond doubt; in the future discussion, we will find that the speed of light plays an infinite role in our physical theory."
"Thus, when v = V, w becomes infinite. Just like our previous results, there is no possibility of superluminal velocity."
(five papers on changing the face of physics in Einstein's miracle year, edited by John Stahl, translated by fan Dainian and Xu Liangying, Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press, 2001 edition, pp. 97-98, 100-101, 109 and 127.)
The fourth solution is the mass velocity solution, which is derived from the mass velocity relation
M = M0 / √ 1 - ν 2 / C2 (M is the moving mass, M0 is the static mass, ν is the moving speed of the object, C is the speed of light) indicates that when the object moves at a speed far lower than the speed of light (at the scale of human body), the mass change is not obvious, and the increased mass is negligible. It can be considered that the mass remains unchanged, and the classical mechanical law can meet the needs of calculation, With the approach to the speed of light, the mass tends to infinity. The big and small poles are interlinked, and the mass is infinitesimal. Because the two poles are the same, the mass is infinitesimal, and the infinitesimal mass can be regarded as zero, so the photon has no rest mass. As the limiting substance, the light has the same size, the motion and the rest are the same, and no rest mass is no motion mass, This formula is not tenable. Some people think that how can there be energy without mass? It should be noted that the electromagnetic field is an energy field, and the light quantum is an energy quantum. Because the photon has no mass, any energy value is infinite when compared with the mass. Because there is no mass, there is no energy consumed in the motion. Besides transferring energy to other objects, the photon energy is enough to keep its speed constant
Some people think that light has light pressure as the expression of quality, but they don't know that light pressure is the expression of photoelectric effect, which is the expression of light quanta and light energy converted into electric energy. Others lead Einstein's mass energy formula: e = MC2 (E is energy, M is inertial mass, C is speed of light), and think that only mass can have energy, which is in conflict with the above mass velocity formula, According to another energy formula: e = h ν (E is energy, n is Planck constant, ν is light frequency), we can calculate the photon energy of a certain frequency light, and make m = h ν / C2 deduce the photon potential mass. Note that a certain energy must correspond to a certain mass, but for photons, it is only its potential mass rather than its real mass, This is the reason why there is no photon with mass in the experiment. The potential mass only indicates how much mass can be transformed into. For example, according to the classical mechanics, if the light has mass and the electromagnetic field has mass, the vacuum as a light quantum field will show huge mass, and all places with light will have heavy mass pressure, and the mass of particles containing electromagnetic field needs to be doubled, The law of gravitation will also deform the vacuum. The stronger the light is, the greater the mass is, and the greater the gravitation is. It's not ridiculous that stars become black holes. The electromagnetic field is the energy field, and the gravitational field is the mass field. Only when the two fields are further identical can the potential relationship between mass and energy be abandoned as the real relationship. This is not the topic of this paper, Only things with mass are attracted by gravity. We know that energy is a repulsive force and is not affected by gravity. As for why it bends, we will know later. Electromagnetic field has energy but no mass, gravitational field has mass but no energy. Physical objects have both of them. We need to go a little further to really understand them
The fifth solution with constant speed of light is the space-time solution, which is derived from Einstein's theory of relativity. The theory of relativity tells us that when an object moves at high speed, there will be a phenomenon of "short ruler and slow clock". This phenomenon changes very little at low speed, and can be regarded as unchanged according to Newton's law of mechanics, but it changes obviously at high speed, When the speed is 30000 km / s, 1 meter is 0.995 m and 1 second is 1.01 s; when the speed is 150000 km / s, 1 meter is 0.866 m and 1 second is 1.15 s; when the speed is 297000 km / s, 1 meter is 0.141 m and 1 second is 7.1 s; when the speed is 299900 km / s, 1 meter is 0.02 M and 1 second is 50 S. when the speed of light reaches the speed of light, the scale of the object along the space direction will be shortened to zero and the time will slow to stop
ν (km / s)
ι 0 (m)
ι (m)
T 0 (seconds)
T (seconds)
1C = 30000
zero point nine nine five
one point zero one
5C = 150000
zero point eight six six
one point one five
9C = 270000
zero point four three six
two point two nine
99c = 297000
zero point one four one
seven point one
9998c = 299900
zero point zero two
C = 2997924580000
The effect of "short ruler and slow clock" indicates that space and time change with the speed of matter, and it is applicable to all matter, including light. At the speed of light, the clock stops, and zero time means that light does not consume time in the process of propagation. Space is the ductility of matter, and time is the continuity or ductility of the change of matter. No time means that matter remains static and unchanged, Therefore, the speed of light remains unchanged. Although zero time and space is a reasonable inference, it is a natural phenomenon and natural law, and it is also not allowed by intellectual metaphysics. Some people think that motion is absolute and relative at rest, which not only separates and opposes motion and rest, but also reduces the corresponding category of relative and absolute giving different things, which should be used together, to a lower level in metaphysics
Dialectics holds that there is no identity. Zero time and space does not mean that there is really nothing, but that we can't measure this time and space. Countless light quanta dissolve into one and form a large unified field, regardless of each other. This light is that light, because you can't separate a single light quanta, This phenomenon is similar to the problem of ownership by the whole people in Economics: the means of production belongs to all the people, and everyone has the means of production, which is only symbolic; everyone does not have the means of production, which is real, and it is impossible to determine which means of production belong to one person, As a result, the proletariat is still the proletariat. With the world going downhill and selfishness expanding, what becomes yours is also mine. If you don't take it for nothing, everyone will take it, everyone's
Compared with the universe, the field of human life is as small as dust, which is not worth mentioning. Human beings have lived in the field of human scale for a long time, and their life experience and knowledge are limited here. The two poles of the world - the maximum and the minimum are outside our world. If it is not for the survival crisis of modern human beings, we are forced to step into the mysterious field of the two poles and seek new living space, We will never understand the dialectical thoughts of Laozi and Hegel

Why does the speed of light remain the same
Is it just a measurement?
What is Maxwell's equations?
Forgive my ignorance OTZ

This is a hypothesis. The constant speed of light is one of the two hypotheses of relativity
Although it is observed that the speed of light is constant, it does not mean that counter examples will not be found in the future
In fact, the speed of light in the medium is constant. The reason why it slows down is that the light travels in the medium because the absorption and emission seem to slow down
Maxwell's equation is electromagnetic, which describes the electromagnetic field