How long does the earth go round the sun

How long does the earth go round the sun

We live on this planet and revolve around the sun at the speed of 30 kilometers per second. Each revolution is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. They rotate in an eternal and regular way. Have you ever thought that the technicians of a watch factory in the world dare to say, "my high-precision clock or watch can be compared with it if it is wound?"
You also know how chaotic the traffic situation at the crossroads without police management will be. Science has already brought people closer to reality. Why must we make up false stories to harm the world?
Morrison, a famous American physiologist and former president of the New York Academy of Sciences, wrote the Chinese translation of "human beings are not isolated" and "a new scientific outlook on the universe", which said: "we can prove with absolute mathematics that the universe is designed and constructed by a transcendent engineer"; and "infer from mathematics, The earth (its living conditions) is indeed prepared by a wise man to reproduce life, not by chance. "
In 1784, the great astronomer Laplace, according to the theory of universal gravitation, proved that the solar system is a perfect self-adjusting mechanism. The interaction between planets and the perturbations caused by comets and other foreign celestial bodies will eventually be corrected by themselves. No one can see that the big hands are manipulating it. However, such a coincidence of "natural formation" can not be seen, Up to now, there is only arbitrary word making, and there has been no evidence of civilization
If there is no creator's creation in such a large universe, such an argument has completely broken away from the scope of science and become a metaphysics or myth, which can no longer be seen in front of modern people. Don't think that only talent is the only inspiration living body. In fact, apart from human hands, we should explain the structure of the universe with the principle of tangible human body (every cell is living), It is not difficult to find that every cell in the visible and invisible universe is alive; everything in the universe is alive, which can only be reflected under the master's command. They all know and obey their master

How long does the sun go round the earth

One day or one year. If the earth is taken as the reference system, then one rotation of the earth is equivalent to one day of the sun around the earth; one year of the earth's revolution is equivalent to one year of the sun around the earth

How many years does the earth go round the sun?