How far is the sun and moon from our earth?

How far is the sun and moon from our earth?

The distance between the sun and the earth is about 149.6 million kilometers
The distance between the earth and the moon has increased from the initial 22000 km to 384400 km. As time goes on, the moon will go far away and eventually leave the earth's line of sight. The moon is escaping from the earth by 3.8 cm per year

Seek the mass of the sun, the earth and the moon, and the direct distance between the sun and the moon, the earth and the moon

The distance between the sun and the earth is 149597870 km
The distance between the sun and the moon is 143.3-155.9 million km (because the moon rotates around the earth, the distance will change)
The distance between the earth and the moon is 363300 kilometers
Solar mass 2.0 × 10 ^ 30kg
The mass of the earth is 5.98 * 10 ^ 24kg
The mass of the moon is 7.349 × 10 ^ 22kg

How far is the moon from the earth?

About 380000 km, light can reach more than a second