The only star in the solar system is (), and the nearest planet to the sun is ()

The only star in the solar system is (), and the nearest planet to the sun is ()

(sun), (mercury)

What is the nearest star outside the solar system to the earth, and how far is it from the earth?

Neighboring Star: it is located in Centaurus, scientific name: alpha Centaurus C, only 4.22 light-years away from the sun, equivalent to 39923.3 billion kilometers. If you travel to neighboring star with the fastest spacecraft, it will take 170000 years to go back and forth. You can imagine the size of the universe, although it is neighboring, it is also far away from the end of the earth

Talk about the relationship between the earth, the solar system, the Milky way and the universe

The universe includes the Milky way and extragalactic galaxies
The solar system is part of the Milky way
The earth belongs to the solar system
The earth goes around the sun. The sun goes around the center of the galaxy