24 point algorithm Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and brackets to calculate 5,6,7,8 to 24, write the formula, which can not be repeated and can be mixed

24 point algorithm Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and brackets to calculate 5,6,7,8 to 24, write the formula, which can not be repeated and can be mixed

1:(7 + 5 - 8) × 62:((7 + 5) - 8) × 63:(7 + (5 - 8)) × 64:(7 + 5) × (8 - 6)5:(7 - 8 + 5) × 66:((7 - 8) + 5) × 67:(7 - (8 - 5)) × 68:6 × (7 + 5 - 8)9:6 × ((7 + 5) - 8)10:6 × (7 + (5 - 8))11:(6...

24 point algorithm
Use, add, subtract, multiply and divide to make the result 24
Write two formulas each

That's all I think about

According to the 24 point algorithm, there are four numbers 3.4. - 6.10. Each number is added, subtracted, multiplied and divided only once to make the result equal to 24. Then the formula is -------- = 24
