(1-100 / 1 × 30) × 2 / 7 (simple calculation)

(1-100 / 1 × 30) × 2 / 7 (simple calculation)

(1-100 / 1 × 30) × 7 / 2
=(1-3 / 10) × 2 / 7
=7 / 10 × 2 / 7
=1 / 5

How to calculate 80.8 × 101-808?
How to solve the equation of 0.5x △ 1 / 28 × 6 = 7?

Using the law of multiplicative distribution: a (B + C) = AB + AC
If you don't understand, please ask

Simple calculation of 1212-1111 + 1010-909 + 808-707 + 606
In five minutes
