How to divide by 72

How to divide by 72

First, the brackets are reduced to 15 / 8, and then divided by 72
Get 5 / 192

Simple calculation: 1 / 4 × 5 + 1 / 5 × 6 + 1 / 6 × 7.. + 1 / 39 + 40


(25 + 2 / 3) X4 is short and urgent

(25 + 2 / 3) X4

(25 + 2 / 3) X4 should be calculated simply

=102 and 2 / 3

How to calculate 11 / 15 (3 / 4-2 / 3) / 1 / 5

11/15 (3/4-2/3)/1/5 = 11/15 (3/4-2/3)5 = 11/3 (3/4-2/3) = 11/4-22/9 = 11/36

I'm a little expert in calculation. If I can make a simple calculation, I'll make a simple calculation of 11 / 13 + 1 / 3 + 2 / 13 + 1 / 3, 3-15 / 13-15
11 out of 13 + 1 out of 3 + 2 out of 13 + 1 out of 3,3-15 out of 13-15 out of 2,17 out of 15 - (10-2 out of 17)

What's the description behind? It's too messy. It's homework for children, isn't it

66:121 simplify ratio and calculate ratio (to process!)

Simplify the following scores. 39 / 26, 8 / 36, 66 / 121, 76 / 19, 35 / 49

39/26 = 3/2
66/121= 6/11
76/19 = 4
35/49 =5/7
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4.5 + 67 / 8 + 21 / 5 - 3 / 8, can this problem be simplified?

=16 and 7 / 10

One tenth + five eighths - two fifths =? If you can calculate it simply, you should calculate it simply,
