Fifty six constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family A. National equality B. national common prosperity C. national unity D. China is a multi-ethnic country

Fifty six constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family A. National equality B. national common prosperity C. national unity D. China is a multi-ethnic country

Fifty six constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family. Fifty six languages come together into a sentence: love me China, love me China, love me China
C. National unity

When did the great family of the Chinese nation, composed of brothers and sisters of 56 ethnic groups, finally consolidate
To illustrate the internal and external measures taken by the rulers at that time to consolidate this situation

Nominally, it was after the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1950;
In fact, it has not been achieved up to now, for example, the Gaoshan tribe of tw

"56 nationalities, 56 flowers, 56 brothers and sisters are one family" is the name of the song?
What's the name of this song?
Help. It's urgent!

Love me Chinese song. Qiao Yuci, Xu Peidong song. It is a song written for the fourth China National Minority Games held in 1991. When composing the song, the tones of Guangxi, Yunnan and other ethnic minorities are widely used. The song was originally a two-part style. The first part has a lively melody, a jumping rhythm and a narrow range. Lyrics: love me China, love me China

What are the 56 nationalities?

There are 56 nationalities: Zhuang, Manchu, Hui, Miao, Uighur, Tujia, Yi, Mongolian, Tibetan, Buyi, Dong, Yao, Korean

What are the 56 nationalities?
Please tell me the names of 56 nationalities

There are 56 nationalities: 1. Zhuang, 2. Tibetan, 3. Yugur, 4. Yi, 5. Yao, 6. Xibo, 7. Uzbek, 8. Uygur, 9. WA, 10. Tujia, 11. Tu, 12. Tatar, 13. Tajik, 14. Shui, 15. She, 16. Sala, 17. Qiang, 18. Pumi, 19. Nu, 20. Naxi, 21. Mulao

Festival customs of ethnic minorities in China

Dong: Dong is a civilized and polite people, and attaches great importance to education. "A good seedling is planted by all, a good flower is loved by all." this is a motto of the Dong people. In which village of Dong Township, there are more scholars, that village is proud. No matter whose children go to school, the village is just like a festival, On the seventh Road, all the people of the village went out to liwai and the Dong people. They were very hospitable. If you were a guest in the Dong village, the whole family would give up their seats as soon as you entered the house. The old man would give you cigarettes, and the old woman would bring you Camellia oleifera. They would treat you with the most exquisite "sour banquet and bitter wine" of the Dong people, Sour feast is a kind of fish, meat and vegetables that have been pickled for many years. Generally, they are not cooked in the pot. If the guests are not used to eating them, the host will fry them in the pot or fry them in oil. On the way to Dong Township, even if they never know each other, they also greet each other and humbly ask each other to go first. What's more interesting is that two girls get married and meet each other on the road. Each side unties a flower belt or a handkerchief from their bodies and gives them to each other, In winter, some people make a fire in the fire pond of the drum tower to keep people warm; in summer, some people send spring water and cool water to the pavilion and Drum Tower for pedestrians to drink. Some people always like to go to Fengyu bridge or drum tower to clean or repair bridges and roads on their birthdays or new year's festivals, but they don't want to name them, So people say that when you get to Dong Township, there must be a road to the mountain, a bridge to the water, a pavilion to rest on the hillside and the top of the mountain, and a road tablet to point to the road at the crossroads
Uygur ethnic group:
Uyghur people are particular about hospitality and hospitality. If visitors want to invite them to sit on the table and put Nang, cakes, rock sugar, etc. in summer, they also need to put some fruits and melons, and pour tea or milk tea for them first. When the meal is ready, they can serve it. If they want to treat them with pilaf, they should bring a pot of water before the meal and ask them to wash their hands, During the meal, the guests should not fiddle with the food on the plate or go to the cooker. Generally, they should not leave the food in the bowl. At the same time, they should pay attention not to let the rice crumbs fall to the ground. If they fall to the ground carelessly, they should pick them up and put them on the "rice sheet" in front of them, Guests are not allowed to look around or stand up. When eating, the elderly sit on the table and the whole family sit together. They must wash their hands before and after meals. After washing, they can only dry them with handkerchief or cloth. It is not polite to throw water without permission
When young men and women want to get married, the Imam or Imam (both religious professionals) recite scriptures, dip two pieces of dry Nang with salt water, and let the bridegroom and bride eat them on the spot, which means that they will share weal and woe and live forever just like Nang and salt water. The wedding banquet should spread a white meal list on the carpet, first put Nang, wedding candy, raisins, dates, cakes, fried Sanzi, and then grab mutton and rice
There are three meals in the solar eclipse, including Nang and all kinds of melon and fruit sauces, sweet sauces, milk tea, Camellia oleifera, etc. for breakfast, Nang, tea or noodle soup are the staple food, while for dinner, Nang, tea or noodle soup are the main food. They like to eat beef and mutton. There are dozens of kinds of staple food. The most common ones are Nang, mutton pilaf, steamed stuffed bun, noodles, etc
Uygur people like to drink Fu tea and milk tea. They often eat melons and fruits in summer
Typical food: Uygur people like to eat Nang, pilaf, roasted steamed stuffed bun, noodles and other food. There are many famous dishes and snacks, such as roasted whole sheep, hand grazed mutton, parmudin, thin skinned steamed bun, roasted mutton kebab, and so on. In addition, there are: yousanzi, Yinsi rolling noodles (yugule in Uygur Language), halwa, minced mutton, Qulian, roasted pumpkin, yellow radish (carrot) sauce and so on
the zang or tibetan people:
Tibetans believe in Buddhism. It has been more than 1300 years since Buddhism was introduced into Tibet from India in the 7th century. From the 13th to the middle of the 16th century, Buddhism became more and more popular, Buddhist activities were frequent, and Buddhist temples were all over Tibet. The famous temples include Gandan temple, Drepung temple, sera temple, tashilumbu temple and Potala Palace
The main sects of Tibetan Buddhism (commonly known as Lamaism): after the 10th century, with the beginning of the "post boom period" of Tibetan Buddhism, many sects appeared one after another, including Ningrui sect (commonly known as "red religion"), Sakya sect (commonly known as "flower religion"), Kadang sect, Kaju sect (commonly known as "Bai religion"), etc, In addition, there are some independent sects in Tibetan Buddhism: Xi school, xixie school, jueyu school, juenong school, kouza school, Xialu school, etc
[eating habits]
Zanba, ghee and highland barley wine made from highland barley are the main food for farmers and herdsmen. Zanba is fried noodles made from highland barley or peas. Mix Zanba with ghee tea or highland barley wine, and knead it into a small ball. Ghee tea is to pour the brick tea into a 1 meter long wooden tube, add salt and ghee, and impact it up and down with the long shaft, Tibetan compatriots would rather have no meat in March than no butter tea in a day. Highland barley wine is a low alcohol wine brewed from local highland barley, which is popular among men, women, young and old. The food is mostly meat and dairy products. Many people like to eat dried beef and mutton
Wedding and funeral customs
There are five burial methods for Tibetans after their death. The most solemn one is tower burial. However, only after the death of the deceased Dalai Lama, his body is put in a tower in the Potala Palace. 14000 taels of gold are used to decorate the tower. Secondly, after the death of living Buddhas and some lords, they enjoy cremation. If a child dies, or if he dies of other diseases, he throws his body into the river to feed fish, This is called water burial. People who have done bad things in their lives are buried in the earth. Tibetans believe that the buried people will never be reincarnated. The sky burial is a kind of fantasy of ascending to heaven. The sky burial ceremony is usually held in the early morning. Before dawn, the family members of the dead send their bodies to the sky burial platform in the northern suburb of Lhasa. The sun rises slowly and the sky burial ceremony begins. People are generally not welcome to watch without permission
Yi Nationality:
"Climbing flower house" - marriage and love of Yi people: "climbing flower house" is a unique custom of Yi people in Chu Dynasty. When a girl is over 16 years old, her parents will build another small thatched cottage for her and let her spend the night alone in it. Young men over 20 years old can climb up the thatched cottage to talk about love and love at night. Together, they sound scornful, antitonic and tell each other about love. Even there are several young men and women at the same time, Once the love is mature, both men and women can get married with the consent of their parents. Generally, their parents will not interfere in their children's choices
The wedding ceremony of the Yi people in Xiaoliangshan, Yunnan Province, is quite unique. When they get married, the man should prepare horses and bring gifts such as wine, cloth, meat and noodles to welcome the bride. The girls in the women's village can use all their skills to splash water on the guests and play hard. All the people who send off the bride want men. The bride can enter the man's door until the sun sets, A wooden bowl with mutton, handle and wine is held by one person and circled around the bride's head to show that she is rich after marriage. Then, the bride carries her cousin into the house
"Tiaocai" - Yi People's singing and dancing accompaniment: "tiaocai", that is, serving food with dancing. It is a unique serving form and the highest etiquette of the Yi people in Yunnan Wuliang Mountain and Ailao Mountain. It is a traditional food culture with a long history of perfect combination of dance, music and acrobatics
When banquet guests, usually with a square table along the two slip away, guests sit around three sides, leaving a "jump" channel in the middle. Three big gongs open the "jump" Prelude: big gongs, Lusheng, Sanxian, stuffy flute, leaves and other folk music; in the girls and boys "wuwali - thiathia" cry, only the Yi man with tray on his hands bow, feet high and low, urgent and slow, The other one holds a dish on his head and arms (24 bowls in total) and then enters the stage. They are accompanied by a simple folk music Concerto, with a funny look on their faces. They dance in an easy, graceful, fluent and coherent way, one after the other. The two partners with woolen towel dance in a variety of strange ways, like colorful butterflies playing with flowers, escort them forward, backward, left and right
A pair of caretakers serve four tables, and their partners put 32 bowls of dishes into the eight trigrams array. Each bowl of dishes is like a piece of chess. They have their own positioning, and they all set the table one by one according to the rules of ancient times
The patriarchal small family system prevails in Yi people all over the country, and the young children often live with their parents. Women's status is low. The inheritance is divided equally by the sons, and the lost property is generally owned by close relatives. In the history of Yi people, the custom of father son name combination prevails among Yi people in Liangshan until the founding of the people's Republic of China, Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, some Yi areas in Yunnan still maintained the public housing system, while the Yi people in Liangshan maintained strict hierarchical marriage. In history, most Yi people practiced cremation. Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, residents in Liangshan and along the Jinsha River in Yunnan still practiced this burial custom. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, other areas gradually changed to upper burial

What are China's ethnic minorities? What are their grand festivals? What are their folk customs?

Kuoshi Festival, a festival held between the 1st and 15th of the first lunar month, lasts two or three days, which is equivalent to the Spring Festival of the Han nationality
Maonan Nationality
Maonan people also celebrate Dragon Boat Festival, pumpkin festival and Double Ninth Festival
Oroqen nationality
The main festival of the Oroqen people is the lunar new year