The formula of Ohm's law in Physics

The formula of Ohm's law in Physics

In the same circuit, the current in the conductor is directly proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. This is Ohm's law. I = u / R, where I, u and R are the current intensity, voltage and resistance at the same time in the same part of the circuit

How to understand Archimedes principle?

First, we should use this relation to solve some problems, and try to use the formula of p-liquid GV row as little as possible, which covers the essence of Archimedes principle
As for the principle, it can be roughly explained why buoyancy is produced? Because the object is squeezing and squeezing the liquid downward, so the liquid gives it upward buoyancy (reaction force), and when it extrudes multiple liquids, it receives more buoyancy

When learning buoyancy knowledge, Jiang Ping knew Archimedes principle, and knew its mathematical expression was f = g. the student wanted to verify it through experiments
So he went into the laboratory and selected materials such as large beaker, spring dynamometer, iron block, small barrel and thin wire to carry out the experiment
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