Ask junior three to review physics buoyancy exercises! Buoyancy! Exercises!

Ask junior three to review physics buoyancy exercises! Buoyancy! Exercises!

On buoyancy 1. Buoyancy and its cause: the object immersed in liquid (or gas) is forced upward by liquid (or gas), which is called buoyancy. Direction: vertical upward; cause: the pressure difference between liquid and object. 2. Archimedes principle: the object immersed in liquid is forced upward, and the buoyancy is equal to

Kirchhoff's law of voltage!
The definition is too abstract, and the voltage trend is parallel to the opposite direction of the battery; what's the matter with series connection?

For example, if you walk out of your home on the fifth floor and go out for a walk, no matter you go downstairs or upstairs, as long as you come back home at last, your height will not change (gravitational potential energy will not change). There are two types of components with opposite properties in the circuit: one is the power supply that uses non electric force (external force) to generate electric field energy, such as chemical energy

With Kirchhoff's law of voltage, what should be the voltage of an ideal current source
For example, I picked out a circuit (also called mesh) in a very complex circuit
It consists of an ideal voltage source of 116v, an ideal current source of 10a and a resistance R of 0.4 ohm
Let the resistance flowing through R be an i-series equation

The voltage at both ends of the current source should be included in the equation as an unknown number
Current source: constant current (independent of external circuit), arbitrary terminal voltage (affected by external circuit)
Voltage source: constant terminal voltage (independent of external circuit), arbitrary current (affected by external circuit)