The equivalent resistance of series circuit is equal to each series resistance (). If several resistors are connected in series, it is equivalent to increasing the resistance of conductor (), so the total resistance value of series resistance is higher than that of any partial resistance (). The more resistance in series, the greater the total resistance ()

The equivalent resistance of series circuit is equal to each series resistance (). If several resistors are connected in series, it is equivalent to increasing the resistance of conductor (), so the total resistance value of series resistance is higher than that of any partial resistance (). The more resistance in series, the greater the total resistance ()

The equivalent resistance of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the series resistances. When several resistances are connected in series, it is equivalent to increasing the length of the conductor. Therefore, the total resistance of the series resistance is greater than that of any of the partial resistances. The more resistances in series, the greater the total resistance

What is the formula of the change law of current and resistance in series circuit?

Ohm's law is enough

Resistance series formula
Resistance of two batteries in series circuit u = 1.5 r = 300O ohm I

R1 + R2 + RN = R (total resistance value)