A is a number that is not equal to 0. Please explain which of a + 3 / 5 and a multiplied by 3 / 5 has the larger result

A is a number that is not equal to 0. Please explain which of a + 3 / 5 and a multiplied by 3 / 5 has the larger result

A + three fifths

It is known that a of B is equal to 2 of 3, and a is not equal to 2. Can we find the value of a + B-5 of A-B + 1 and explain the reason

It is known that a and B are opposite to each other, and a is not equal to 0. C and D are reciprocal to each other. Find the value of 3CD + (a + b) (5c-3d) - 4A / b

From the meaning of the title:
simple form