Define two kinds of operations △ and *, for any two numbers AB, there is a △ B = a + B-1, a * B = B power-1 of a, and find the value of 2 * [(3 △ 4) △ 2 * 1]

Define two kinds of operations △ and *, for any two numbers AB, there is a △ B = a + B-1, a * B = B power-1 of a, and find the value of 2 * [(3 △ 4) △ 2 * 1]


Let a = 0.00.4, (2000 zeros), B = 0.00.025, (2000 zeros), how many are a + B and a times B?
None of the above zeros include bits

According to your description:
A simple algorithm
Divide the formula into two parts
- -
c b
So a / C is 12 / 8 = 1.5
The formula becomes
=6000... 0 (100 zeros)

0.25% counting unit a.0.01% b0.1% C.1% D.1


A = 0.0 (2000 zeros in the middle) 25, B = 0.0 (2001 zeros in the middle) 016 find a + B, A-B, AXB, a divided by B

A + B = 0.0 (2000 zeros in the middle) 266
A-B = 0.0 (2000 zeros in the middle) 234
AXB = 0.0 (3999 zeros in the middle) 4
A divided by B = 15.625

0.25 minus 0.01 is 0.2


(a-b) / (a + b) = 0.25, then a / b=

Then A-B = 0.25 (a + b)
Then 0.75a = 1.25b
So a / b = 1.25/0.75
So a / b = 5 / 3

If a = 0.00... 025 (2002 zeros) and B = 0.00... 04 (2003 zeros), find a + B = (). A-B = (). A × B = ()
If there are (2002 zeros) in a = 0.00... 025 and (2003 zeros) in B = 0.00... 04, find a + B = (). A-B = (). A × B = ()

a+b=0.00…… 029 (2002 0)
a-b=0.00…… 021 (2002 0)
a×b=0.00…… 01 (4002 zeros)

Known: a = 0.00 025 (including 2012 zeros); b = 0.00 08 (including 2013 0);
Find the values of a + B; A-B; a × B; a △ B; 3A + 2B; respectively~

a+b=0.00… 33 (including 2012 0);
a-b=0.00… 017 (including 2012 zeros);
a×b=0.00… 02 (including 4024 zeros);
3a+2b=0.00… 099 (including 2012 zeros);

If a = 0.00... 025, 1000 zeros in the middle, B = 0.00... 04, 1000 zeros in the middle, then a times b = 3Q

1000A = 0.25; 1000B = 0.4; 1000A × 1000B = 1000 000; ab = 0.1; so a × B = 0.000 000; in the middle is 1000 000 zeros

How many grams is 0.05 ton

10000 G