The side area of a cylinder is 94.2 square centimeters, and the volume is 141.3 cubic centimeters. What is the surface area of the cylinder?

The side area of a cylinder is 94.2 square centimeters, and the volume is 141.3 cubic centimeters. What is the surface area of the cylinder?

Side area of cylinder = perimeter of bottom surface × height = 3.14 × radius × 2 × height
Cylinder volume = bottom area × height = 3.14 × radius × radius × height
Cylinder volume △ cylinder side area = radius △ 2 = 141.3 △ 94.2 = 1.5 (CM)
Radius of cylinder bottom = 1.5 × 2 = 3 (CM)
Bottom area = 3.14 × 3 & # 178; = 28.26 (cm2)
Area of column bottom = 28.26 × 2 + 94.2 = 150.72 (cm2)

The side area of the cylinder is 628 square centimeters, the height is 20 centimeters, the surface area of the cylinder is () square centimeters, the volume is () cubic centimeters
Write the number directly

What is the circumference of the base of the cylinder
628 △ 20 = 31.4cm
What is the radius of the bottom
31.4 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 5cm
What's the bottom area
5 × 5 × 3.14 = 78.5 square centimeter
What is the surface area
78.5 × 2 + 628 = 785 square centimeter
The volume is
78.5 × 20 = 1570 cm3

A cylinder has a volume of 1256 cubic centimeters and a side area of 628 square centimeters. What is the surface area of the cylinder?
Don't be too abstruse!
Well, I'll add points

If the radius of the top and bottom is x cm, the perimeter of the top and bottom is 6.28x cm and the area is 3.14x ^ 2 square cm
Because the side area is 628 square centimeters, the height is 628 / 6.28x = 100 / X centimeters
So the volume of the cylinder is 100 / X * 3.14x ^ 2 = 314x
So 314x = 1256
X = 4cm
Then the area of upper and bottom surface is 4 * 4 * 3.14 = 50.24 square centimeter
The surface area is 50.24 * 2 + 628 = 728.48 square centimeter