The side area of a cylinder is 226.08 square decimeters, and the perimeter of its bottom is 37.68 decimeters

The side area of a cylinder is 226.08 square decimeters, and the perimeter of its bottom is 37.68 decimeters

Side area = bottom perimeter x height
Height = side area / bottom perimeter = 226.08 / 37.68 = 6 decimeters

The side area of a cylinder is 37.68 square decimeters, the height is 3 decimeters, and the circumference of the bottom surface of the cylinder is______ Decimeter

37.68 △ 3 = 12.56 (decimeter); answer: the circumference of the bottom surface of the cylinder is 12.56 decimeter

The side area of a cylinder is 62.8 square meters, and the diameter of its bottom is 10 decimeters. How long is the cylinder?

Bottom perimeter: 3.14 × 10 = 31.4 (decimeter) = 3.14 (meter)
Cylinder length: 62.8 △ 3.14 = 20 (m)