What is the literal expression of the reaction in the experiment of aluminum foil burning in oxygen? If the oxygen is replaced by air, the chemical reaction will take place__ The reason is that____

What is the literal expression of the reaction in the experiment of aluminum foil burning in oxygen? If the oxygen is replaced by air, the chemical reaction will take place__ The reason is that____

Aluminum + oxygen - aluminum oxide (write "ignite" on the horizontal line)
The oxygen content in the air is only 21%, and aluminum cannot be burned
It should be noted that aluminum foil can still react with oxygen in the air and oxidize slowly to form aluminum oxide, but the aluminum foil cannot be ignited in the air

What happens when aluminum burns in oxygen?

Phenomenon: produce dazzling white light and white solid
Text expression: aluminum and oxygen are ignited to form aluminum oxide
Chemical expression: 4Al + 3O2 ------ 2al2o3

The literal expression of charcoal combustion and the literal expression of aluminum combustion in oxygen

Carbon + oxygen - (ignite) carbon dioxide
Aluminum + oxygen - (ignited) aluminum oxide

Chemical reaction expression of aluminum wire burning in oxygen and aluminum foil burning in oxygen

4Al + 3O2 ignition = 2al2o3

Literal expression, chemical expression and reaction phenomenon of magnesium combustion in oxygen

Magnesium + oxygen = ignition = magnesium oxide
2mg + O2 = ignition = 2MgO
The phenomenon is intense combustion, giving off dazzling white light

The literal expression of hydrogen combustion?
The ignition of hydrogen in the air is actually the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to produce water. Please imitate the expression of water electrolysis to write the literal expression of hydrogen combustion

Hydrogen + oxygen (ignition) → water
2h2 + O2 (ignition) = 2H2O

Ignition of the mixture of hydrogen and air is prone to explosion_________________ Be sure to burn the hydrogen before you ignite it__________

Response literal expression__ Hydrogen reacts with oxygen in air to produce water__ Be sure to burn the hydrogen before you ignite it_ Verification of purity__

Hydrogen ignites in the air. In fact, hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce water. What is its literal expression
The answer should be as simple as possible

Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form compound water

What is the literal expression for hydrogen to produce water when ignited?

Hydrogen + oxygen → water (if ignited)

Literal expression for the reaction of basic copper carbonate with hydrochloric acid
written words
It's not a letter
thank you

The basic copper carbonate is added with hydrochloric acid to produce water, carbon dioxide and copper chloride