-The numbers are - 3,4, - 6,8

-The numbers are - 3,4, - 6,8

When n is odd, the nth term is - N; when n is even, the nth term is n. The formula is the nth power of - 1 multiplied by n

Divide the eight numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 into three groups, and calculate the sum of each group. It is known that the three sums are not equal to each other, and the maximum sum is twice the minimum sum. Q: what is the minimum sum?

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 36, let the minimum sum be x, the maximum sum be 2x, and there should be a sum of 36-3x; the three sums are not equal to each other, there is a solution of 7.2 < x < 9, X is an integer, only x = 8

Find the rule - 1 3 - 5 7... The nth number is

If n is odd, then the nth number is (2n-1) * - 1. If n is even, then the nth number is 2N-1

Dig a cylindrical livestock pool with a radius of 10m and a depth of 2m. (1) what's the area of the pool? (2) how many cubic meters of soil have been dug in total?
(3) After digging, in the bottom of Chi can be side tiles, at least how many square meters of tiles to use?

Floor area = bottom area = π R & sup2; = π * 10 & sup2; = 100 π = 314m & sup2; earthwork = volume = bottom area * height = 100 π * 2 = 200 π = 628m & sup3; tile area = bottom area + side area = 100 π + 2 π RH = 100 π + 2 * 10 * 2 * π = 100 π

It's 12.56 meters to walk around a circular pool. What's the floor area of the pool

The pool is a circle with a circumference of 12.56 meters
The radius of the circle is: 12.56 △ 2 △ 3.14 = 2m
The area of the circle is: 3.14 × 2 & sup2; = 12.56 square meters
The pool covers an area of 12.56 square meters

What is the floor area of the pool

That's the bottom area
Length times width
Welcome to ask^-^

The diameter of a round pool is 33 meters. How many meters is it to walk around the pool? What is the floor area of the pool

The circumference formula of a circle is C = π d = 33 π
Area formula: S = π R ^ 2 = (16.5) ^ 2 π

The diameter of a round pool is 6.2 meters, the height is 2 meters, and the volume is calculated by exact numerical formula. Thank you

What is the volume of the pool?

Bottom area * pool height

Help me calculate the volume of the round pool. The volume of the pool is 50 cubic meters. Dig 3 meters deep. Help me calculate the diameter of the pool

Rxrxrx3.14x3 = 50 to get R. if you want to be more accurate, just (D / 2) & # 178; × 3.14 × 3 = 50 to get diameter D