All the ways to produce oxygen

All the ways to produce oxygen

Potassium permanganate heating manganese dioxide heating potassium chlorate potassium chloride potassium chloride

Literal expression of oxygen production from pure substance (Chemistry)

Hydrogen peroxide manganese dioxide → water + oxygen
Potassium permanganate - heating → potassium permanganate + manganese dioxide + oxygen
Potassium chlorate - heating, manganese dioxide → potassium chloride + oxygen

Literal expression and chemical expression of oxygen production from potassium chlorate

Potassium chlorate = heating = potassium chloride + oxygen (MnO2 as catalyst) 2kclo3 = heating = 2KCL + 3O2 ↑ (MnO2 as catalyst)

When the equation increases the number y by 20%, it is larger than 80% of the number. The sum of X and 2 is one fourth of the number, and the difference between X and 3 is one sixth of the number
If you increase the number y by 20%, it will be four times larger than 80%
The sum of X and 2 is one fourth larger than the difference between 2 and 3 by one sixth

2. The meaning of the question is a little unclear
If the sum of X and 2 is one fourth larger than the difference between two times of X and 3 by one sixth, then
If the sum of X and 2 is one fourth larger than the difference between the sum of X and 2 and 3 is one sixth, then

Three times of a certain number is two times larger than half of it. If a certain number is y, the equation is——

3y-1/2y =2

Three times of a certain number is six times larger than half of it. If a certain number is x, then the equation is ()


Y is 18 less than x, and X is three times of Y. what are the two numbers

x=3y,y=9 x=27

If 1 / 3 of a certain number x is less than 7, what is the equation for finding x?


Three times the number a is four times greater than one-half of the number B (equations)
Bivariate linear equation or system of bivariate linear equations


A certain number is less than its square by three

Let a number be X