The perimeter of a circular fountain is 62.8 meters. Build a 2 meter wide cement road around the fountain. Calculate the area of cement road It's a formula

The perimeter of a circular fountain is 62.8 meters. Build a 2 meter wide cement road around the fountain. Calculate the area of cement road It's a formula

The diameter of circular pool is 62.8 / 3.14 = 20m, radius = 20 / 2 = 10m
Then the width of the garden formed by the outside of the cement road is 10 + 2 = 12m
3.14x (12x12-10x10) = 138.16m2

There is a square flower garden in the street park. There is a 1 meter wide cement road around the flower garden. If the area of the cement road is 64 square meters, how many square meters is the square flower garden? (no equation solution)

(64-4) △ 4 = 15m 15 △ 1 = 15m
15 × 15 = 225 square meters

There is a circular fountain in the street park with a diameter of 12 meters. There is a stone road with a width of 1 meter around the fountain
1. What is the area of this stone road?
2. If you put 2 potted flowers every 1.57 meters along the pool, how many potted flowers can you put?


There is a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters in the Civic Square, surrounded by a stone road with a width of 2 meters. How many square meters is the area of the road?
How long is the guardrail if it is surrounded by a fountain

Radius 12 △ 2 = 6mi
6 + 2 = 8M
The area of the lane is 8x8x3.14-6x6x3.14 = 87.92 square meters
The length of guardrail is 12x3.14 = 37.68m
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,

Dig a circular fountain with a bottom diameter of 5 meters and a depth of 1.5 meters. How many square meters does the fountain cover?

=4375 square meters

A cuboid pool is 4.6 meters long, 4 meters wide and 1.5 meters deep. What is the area of the pool and how many cubic meters can it store water

Floor area = 4.6 * 4 = 18.4 square meters
Volume = 4.6 * 4 * 1.5 = 27.6m3

Dig a pool with a volume of 60 cubic meters, covering an area of 25 square meters and a water depth of () meters

Water depth = 60 △ 25 = 2.4m

Dig a pool with a volume of 400 cubic meters. If the bottom area of the pool is 10 meters square, then the pool covers an area of () square meters and the pool is deep

A pool with a volume of 400 cubic meters, if the bottom area of the pool is 10 meters square, then the pool covers an area of (10x10 = 100) square meters, and the pool is deep
400 / 100 = 4m)

Dig a pool 5 meters long, 4 meters wide and 1 meter deep on the flat ground. (1) how many cubic meters of soil to dig? (2) the pool covers an area of land
How many square meters? (3) how many square meters of tiles are needed to stick the tiles on the pool bottom and four walls? (4) if 16 tiles can stick one square meter on the wall, how many tiles should I buy at least?

5 * 4 * 1 = 20 M3
5 * 4 = 20 square meters
5 * 4 + 5 * 1 * 2 + 4 * 1 * 2 = 38 square meters
38 * 16 = 608 pieces

A cylindrical pool, 20m in diameter and 2m in depth. What is the area of the pool? How many cubic meters of soil need to be excavated to make the pool
What is the area of cement on the side and at the bottom of the pool

A: the pool covers an area of 314 square meters. 314 × 2 = 628 cubic meters. A: 628 cubic meters of soil need to be excavated. A: 20 × 3.14 × 2 + 314 = 125.6 + 314 = 439.6 square meters