How many square meters to measure the compactness with sand filling method? How many points to take? It's better to copy them to me from the specification,

How many square meters to measure the compactness with sand filling method? How many points to take? It's better to copy them to me from the specification,

1. Compaction degree of soil subgrade (the table of compaction degree is too large, I won't copy it to you here)
Inspection quantity: 3 points per 1000 m2 and compacted layer
2. The compaction degree of graded crushed stone shall not be less than 97% for base course and 95% for subbase course
Inspection quantity: 1 spot per 1000 m2
3 cement stabilized macadam, the compaction degree of base is greater than or equal to 97%, and that of subbase is greater than or equal to 95%
Inspection quantity: 1 spot per 1000 m2 for each compacted layer

All equipment required for measuring subgrade compactness by sand filling method

1 sand filling cylinder; 2 metal calibration tank; 3 base plate, 4 glass plate, 5 sample plate, 6 balance or platform scale; 7 water content measuring instrument; 8 sand measuring instrument; 9 sand container; 10 others

Calculation formula of compactness

Compactness is a comparative value of dry density. Firstly, the standard dry density is measured in the experiment, and then the dry density of site samples is calculated for comparison. Compactness = dry density of site samples / standard dry density (100%)

If a cylinder is cut into the largest cylinder, and the volume is reduced by 90 cubic centimeters, what is the volume of the largest cylinder cut into

It should be:
When a cylinder is cut into a largest cone, its volume is reduced by 90 cubic centimeters. What is the volume of the largest cone cut into?
The volume of a cylinder is three times that of a cone with the same height as its base, so the volume of the cut part is two times that of the cone,
The volume of the largest cone is 90 / 2 = 45 cubic centimeter

When a cylinder is cut into the largest cuboid, its volume is reduced by 114 cubic centimeters. What is the volume of the original cylinder?

Let the radius of the bottom of the cylinder be xcm and the height be YCM
The volume of cylinder is: π x Λ 2 * y = 314
Note: 1. The largest cuboid should be a cuboid with a square bottom (the diagonal length of the square is the diameter of the cylinder bottom);
2. Λ is the power;
3. The PI is calculated as 3.14

Cut a cube with an edge length of 3cm into the largest cylinder with a volume of () cubic centimeter?

What is the base radius of the cylinder
3 △ 2 = 1.5 (CM)
What is the volume of a cylinder
1.5 × 1.5 × 3.14 × 3 = 21.195 (cm3)

What's the volume of a cuboid? If a cuboid is 628 cm, what's the volume of a cuboid?

It is equivalent to cutting a rectangle in a circle with diameter a,
Let the length of a rectangle be x and the width be y. then there must be x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = a ^ 2
And x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 > = 2XY = 2S (s is the area)
Then s

Two cylinders with the same bottom area, one is 4.5 decimeters high, with a volume of 81 cubic decimeters, and the other is 3 decimeters high. What is its volume cubic decimeters?

5 × 3 = 54 (cubic decimeter), a: its volume is 54 cubic decimeter

Two cylinders with the same bottom area, one is 4.5 decimeters high and 81 cubic decimeters in volume. The other is 3 decimeters high and what is the volume?

81 / 4.5 = 18 (cm2)
18 * 3 = 54 (cm3)

Two cylinders with the same low surface area. One cylinder has a height of 4. The volume is 81 cubic decimeters. The other cylinder has a height of 3 decimeters. What is the volume?

What is the base area of the cylinder
81 △ 4.5 = 18 square decimeters
What is the volume of a cylinder
18 × 3 = 54 cubic decimeter