400 meters long, 12 meters wide, 20cm thick sand to do 8.5% + 3.5% cement lime soil, how many tons of lime, how many tons of cement? Detailed calculation method! Big brother is 8.5% + 3.5%, and it's cement mixed with lime soil, not cement lime cinder

400 meters long, 12 meters wide, 20cm thick sand to do 8.5% + 3.5% cement lime soil, how many tons of lime, how many tons of cement? Detailed calculation method! Big brother is 8.5% + 3.5%, and it's cement mixed with lime soil, not cement lime cinder

According to Liaoning 2008 valuation quota: Cement lime slag cushion
The mixing ratio is 1:1:10
Quicklime: 74 * 960 = 71750.4 kg
Cement: 146.45 * 960 = 140592 kg
Slag: 1.2423 * 960 = 1192.608kg

What is bulk density?

The bulk density is the unit volume mass of a container filled with dust or powder. The relationship between the bulk density of the bed material ρ B and the density of the bed material ρ P is ρ B = ρ P (1 - ε)
ε is the void fraction of the material at rest, ρ B is the bulk density, which needs to be measured, and ρ P is the real density
The packing density of bed material can be divided into loose packing density and vibrated packing density
Among them, the bulk density includes the average density of the bulk of loose particles in the inner and outer pores of particles and the voids between particles, which is calculated by dividing the total mass of non compacted particles in the state of natural accumulation by the total volume of the bulk materials
The packing density does not include the inner and outer pores of particles and the voids between particles
It should be added that the unit of bulk density is g / cm3 or kg / m3. It can be seen that the larger the density is, the larger the particle size is

How many jin of quicklime is used for one square meter of notoginseng lime soil

Three jin