Is the mix proportion of notoginseng lime soil volume or weight

Is the mix proportion of notoginseng lime soil volume or weight

The volume ratio is generally used in construction, and the volume is measured by shovel or trolley
However, from the perspective of quota consumption, each cubic meter of 3:7 lime soil contains 0.51912 tons of lime and 1.06353 cubic meters of clay. The equivalent weight is 0.51912t of lime and 1.22306t of clay. 0.51912/1.22306 = 0.4244 ≈ 3 / 7 = 0.4286!
The content of 3:7 lime soil cushion sub item of 96 norm includes the content of screening soil and ash, and the current consumption norm uses "lime soil" composite material into the sub item. The content of screening is not calculated separately, and the labor of screening has been included in the comprehensive working day of norm, It is equivalent to 0.228t quicklime and 1.0839m3 clay per cubic meter of notoginseng lime soil

Seek the detailed practice of Sanqi lime soil!

The volume ratio of lime to soil is 3 ∶ 7. In general, the strength of lime soil prepared with cohesive soil is 1-2 times higher than that prepared with sandy soil. House slag soil can also be used as lime soil material. Lime and soil must be screened. The particle size of soil shall not be greater than 15mm; the particle size of ash shall not be greater than 5mm. The lime soil shall be mixed evenly and the best water content shall be controlled as the water content standard, The bottom of the foundation trench shall be rammed once, and then the mixed lime soil shall be poured into the trench according to the designated place, but the lime soil shall not flow into the trench along the side of the trench. When the lime soil is rammed manually, the first layer is paved with 25 cm of virtual soil, the second layer is 22 cm, and the later layers are 21 cm, After tamping, it is 15cm. Frog rammer must be used to lay virtual soil 20-25cm. Tamping is the key to ensure the quality of lime soil foundation. Wooden rammer and iron rammer were used as construction tools in the past. When tamping, the ramming nest and rammer should be overlapped with each other. The number of times of tamping should make the dry weight of lime soil reach the standard value. After tamping, it should be covered in time to prevent sunlight and rain

What is the proportion of notoginseng lime soil
Is the proportion of notoginseng lime soil volume ratio?

Lime 3 Soil 7