One bottle can hold 1kg kerosene. How much water can it hold at most?

One bottle can hold 1kg kerosene. How much water can it hold at most?

V kerosene = 1000g / 0.8g/cm3 = 1250cm3
M water = ρ water v = 1 * 1250 = 1250g
That is: 1.25Kg

Can a bottle that can hold up to 1kg of water hold 1kg of alcohol

No, because the smaller the density of an object of the same mass, the larger the volume it occupies. Because the density of alcohol is less than that of water, the volume of alcohol is larger and the bottle can not be filled under the condition of the same mass

A glass bottle with a mass of 0.25kg and a mass of 1.5kg when filled with water has a volume of () m3. It can hold () kg of wine at most
The density of alcohol is 0.8 * 10 cubic kg / m3

A glass bottle with a mass of 0.25kg and a mass of 1.5kg when filled with water, then the volume of the glass bottle is (0.00125) m3. It can hold (1) kg of wine at most