A glass bottle that can hold 500g water has a total mass of 750g after it is filled with water. What is the total mass of alcohol when the water bottle is filled with alcohol? (the density of alcohol is 0.8 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3)

A glass bottle that can hold 500g water has a total mass of 750g after it is filled with water. What is the total mass of alcohol when the water bottle is filled with alcohol? (the density of alcohol is 0.8 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3)

The mass of the bottle is 250 G
The volume of 500g water is 500ml, that is, the volume of the bottle is 500ml
The alcohol density is 0.8g/ml
The volume of alcohol in the bottle is equal to 500ml
So the quality of alcohol is: 500ml × 0.8g/ml = 400g
The total mass is 650 G

A glass bottle with a mass of 0.25kg is weighed to be 1.5kg when it is filled with water. If the glass bottle is filled with alcohol, how much is its mass measured with a balance? The density of alcohol is 0.8 × 103 kg / m3

∵ m water = 1.5kg-0.25kg = 1.25Kg, according to ρ = MV, we can get: volume of water: V water = m water ρ water = 1.25Kg, 1.0 × 103kg / m3 = 1.25 × 10-3m3, because the volume of water is equal to the volume of bottle and equal to the volume of alcohol, so the maximum mass of alcohol: m alcohol = ρ alcohol V alcohol = 0.8 × 103kg / m3 × 1.2

When a glass bottle with a mass of 0.25kg is filled with water, the mass is 1.5kg, then the volume of the glass bottle is______ It can hold at most______ Kg alcohol (density of alcohol ρ = 0.8 × 103 & nbsp; kg / m3)

The mass of glass bottle M1 = 0.25kg, the mass of water filled glass bottle M2 = 1.5kg, the volume of water in the bottle is the volume of glass bottle, V volume = V water = m water ρ water = 1.5kg − 0.25kg, 1 × 103kg / m3 = 1.25 × 10-3m3; the mass of alcohol: m alcohol = ρ alcohol, V volume = 0.8 × 103kg / m3 × 1.25 × 10-3m3 = 1kg