The density of peanut oil is about 0.92 kg / m3. How much is it in milliliter?

The density of peanut oil is about 0.92 kg / m3. How much is it in milliliter?

So 0.92 kg / m3 = 0.92 * 10 ^ 6 kg / ml

The density and buoyancy of a 1000 cubic centimeter block are calculated

Buoyancy f = ρ water * g * V row = ρ water * g * (3V / 5) = 1 * 10 ^ 3 * 10 * [3 * 1000 * 10 ^ (- 6) / 5] = 6N
Because it is floating, the gravity of the block is equal to buoyancy
The density of wood block is ρ wood = m / v = (F / g) / v = (6 / 10) / [1000 * 10 ^ (- 6)] = 0.6 * 10 ^ 3kg / m3

Two fifths of the volume of a wood block with a volume of 1000 cubic centimeters is exposed to the water after it is put into the water for rest. The buoyancy and density of the wood block are calculated

The displacement is 1000x3 / 5 = 600 cubic centimeter, so the buoyancy is 600g, the gravity is 600g, and the density is 0.6g/cubic centimeter