Conversion of percentage For example, if 35% of 20000 is 7000, how can the total be converted to 20000

Conversion of percentage For example, if 35% of 20000 is 7000, how can the total be converted to 20000


Percentage conversion
For example, if the quantity is 14, there are 2 defects. What is the percentage defect

Percentage of defects = 2 △ 14 × 100% = 15.29%

How to convert cubic meter of stone into ten thousand tons?
The unit of stone is cubic meter. Please help me to count it as ton. For example: 129500m & sup3; = ten thousand tons?

The density of stone is generally between 2.3.3. Depending on the color and variety, you can weigh three tons per cubic meter,
That 129500m3 = 388500 tons = 388500 tons

Exchange rate calculation and conversion
Suppose that the gold content of one pound is 7.32238g pure gold, and that of one dollar is 1.50463g pure gold. The cost of transporting one pound of gold between Britain and the United States is about US $0.03. Try to calculate the gold export point and gold import point of the United States

Sterling to USD seigniorage parity: 7.32238/1.50463 = 4.8666
Gold delivery point = coin parity ± unit gold freight
The US gold export point was 4.8669
US gold import point 4.8663

Conversion rate between us dollar and RMB

How to convert percentage
For example, we spent 187 yuan yesterday and 157 yuan today. How to calculate the percentage of today's less than yesterday

187-157 divided by 187 * 100%=

What's the relationship between gravity, weight and mass

Gravity is weight, gravity = mass times acceleration of gravity
The unit of gravity is Newton and the unit of mass is kg

What's the difference between mass and gravity

Mass refers to the amount of matter contained in an object. The force exerted on an object due to the attraction of the earth is called gravity. The unit is n, and the symbol is g. the formula is: g = mg '` on the earth, the relationship between them is mass, g = 9.8n/kg (about 10N / kg)

The difference and connection between mass and gravity
Difference 1. Concept 2. Direction 3. Symbol 4. Unit 5. Measuring tool
Contact: any contact is one!

The sign of mass is m
. gravity is g
And then
Mass is the content of an object. Unit: kg
Gravity is the effect of gravity on an object. Unit n

Is gravity related to mass? Why?

Gravity g = mg
So the bigger m is, the bigger G is
G is the acceleration of gravity and 9.8m/s2 is the fixed value