A steel bar is sawed off 20% and then connected for 2 meters. At this time, the steel bar is 110 shorter than the original one. How long is the original steel bar?

A steel bar is sawed off 20% and then connected for 2 meters. At this time, the steel bar is 110 shorter than the original one. How long is the original steel bar?

2 (20% - 110), = 2 (110), = 20 (m); a: the original length of this steel bar is 20 m

The 6-meter-long steel bar was sawed into small sections of the same length for 6 times, and each section accounted for 20% of the total length______ , length of each segment______ Rice

The length of each segment: 1 △ 7 = 17; the length of each segment: 6 × 17 = 67 (m)

The 5-meter-long steel bar is sawed into small sections of the same length for 6 times. Each section accounts for several parts of the total length, and each section is several meters long. If it is sawed into two sections, it takes 2 minutes
How many minutes does it take to saw six sections?

Each section accounts for 5 / 7 of the total length, and each section is 0.7143 M. if it is sawed into two sections, it takes 2 minutes, and it takes 10 minutes to sawn into six sections