In a cylindrical bucket with a diameter of 3 decimeters at the bottom of the bucket, there is a cubic meter steel block with an edge length of 8 cm. After the steel block is removed from the bucket (below) How many centimeters has the water dropped?

In a cylindrical bucket with a diameter of 3 decimeters at the bottom of the bucket, there is a cubic meter steel block with an edge length of 8 cm. After the steel block is removed from the bucket (below) How many centimeters has the water dropped?

Let's say it's completely submerged,
The volume of cube: 8 × 8 × 8 = 512 cubic centimeter
The bottom area of the cylinder: 3.14 × (3 △ 2) &# 178; = 7.065 cubic centimeter
The height of water falling is 512 △ 7.065 ≈ 72.5cm

The bottom of a cylindrical bucket is 4 decimeters in diameter and 5.5 decimeters in height. The distance between the water in the bucket and the top edge of the bucket is 5cm. How many kilograms does the bucket have? Each cubic decimeter weighs 1kg

5 cm = 0.5 decimeter
Bottom area = 3.14 × (4 ÷ 2) &# 178; = 12.56 (square decimeter)
Volume of water = 12.56 × (5.5-0.5) = 62.8 (cubic decimeter)
Weight of water = 62.8 × 1 = 62.8 (kg)

In a cylindrical water storage tank with a bottom diameter of 40 cm, a section of cylindrical steel with a radius of 8 cm is completely immersed in water
The water in the bucket dropped by 4cm when it was taken out. How long is the steel?

Volume of steel: 3.14 * (40 / 2) * (40 / 2) * 4 = 5024 cm3
Length of steel: 5024 / (3.14 * 8 * 8) = 25cm