About fluid, why use inverted funnel when blowing table tennis

About fluid, why use inverted funnel when blowing table tennis

If it is a positive funnel, then the thin end holds the table tennis ball. At this time, the table tennis ball is unstable and easy to fall under the influence of gravity or other external forces, thus confusing the experimental results

XiaoCong uses cardboard to make a conical funnel. As shown in the figure, the radius of the bottom of the funnel is 2cm, and the length of the generatrix is 8cm. To make such a funnel, the area of the cardboard is () CM & # 178;
A、32πcm² B、16πcm² C、8πcm² D4πcm²


An approximate conical funnel has a volume of 132 cubic centimeters and a bottom area of 44 square centimeters. How high is the funnel?

A: 9cm high