The quantity of matter, N in the formula is the number of particles. What does the number of particles mean? For example

The quantity of matter, N in the formula is the number of particles. What does the number of particles mean? For example

N is the total number of particles of this material that needs to be calculated. For example, if there are 6.02 * 10 ^ 23 water molecules, then so many water molecules are one mole, where n is 6.02 * 10 ^ 23

The relationship between molar mass, amount of matter, Avogadro constant, mass of matter and number of particles

Molar mass: the mass per mole of a substance, equal to the relative molecular mass of the substance, in g / mol
Avogadro constant: the number of particles per mole of matter
Amount of substance: amount of substance = mass of substance / molar mass = mass of substance / relative molecular mass = number of particles / Avogadro constant
This is the basic relationship, others can be deduced by themselves, such as: mass of matter = mass of matter × molar mass, etc

Avogadro constant connects the quantity of matter with the particle of matter, and molar mass connects the quantity of matter with the quantity of matter
What's the difference between Avogadro and Moore?

The number 6.02 * 10 ^ 23 is called "Avogadro constant", so most "particles of matter" are 1 mole, There is a formula: molar mass * amount of matter = mass of matter (this can be seen from the unit formula g / mol * mol = g). This formula shows that "molar mass connects the amount of matter with the mass of matter"