Known hot gas temperature, pressure, pipe area, gas flow (urgent) The best is the flow rate The pressure difference is 200 PA, the pipe radius is 0.15 m, and the gas density is 0.54 kg / m3 The unit of velocity is m / s. what is the velocity

Known hot gas temperature, pressure, pipe area, gas flow (urgent) The best is the flow rate The pressure difference is 200 PA, the pipe radius is 0.15 m, and the gas density is 0.54 kg / m3 The unit of velocity is m / s. what is the velocity

The title is too abstract
Temperature T pressure difference f pipe area s (assumed uniform) gas velocity V, DT time
FDT = (ρ VDTs) V ρ is related to t, or combine with claparon equation to find mass
If viscosity is considered, please try Poiseuille's formula and Bernoulli's equation

Given the pressure in the chamber and the cross-sectional area of the gas outlet, how to calculate the required inlet gas flow?
By continuously injecting protective gas into a cavity, the micro positive pressure in the cavity can be ensured. The dimension of the cavity is 5m * 0.8m * 0.3m (L * w * h), the pressure in the cavity is about 300pa, and the dimension of the cavity exhaust port is 0.8m * 0.01M (L * W). In order to know how large the gas flow at the cavity inlet is, we hope to give the calculation formula and process
There is no bend in the cavity, the temperature is room temperature, and there is no temperature change

Is your outlet gas pressure atmospheric pressure? I think if you want to calculate the outlet flow rate, you must know the outlet pressure difference before you can calculate the flow rate and then calculate the flow rate

Given saturated steam density, pressure, temperature, pipe diameter, how to calculate the maximum allowable flow

This is a topic that people have been studying for a long time. How to find the most economical steam flow rate among investment funds, operation rates, maintenance costs and project life? That is, what kind of flow rate is the most economical? As you know, increasing the flow rate means reducing the pipe diameter and investment, However, high flow rate will produce large pipeline resistance (the resistance is proportional to the square of the flow rate) and increase the adjustment cost. However, the specific conditions of various projects are different, such as operation rate, length of steam transmission pipeline, design life and so on. It is very difficult to calculate these factors
But in people's long-term practice process, summed up the economic flow rate range suitable for saturated steam, with about 20m / S is more appropriate, you can according to your specific situation, can choose between 15m / S ~ 30m / s, flow rate selection, presumably you can calculate by yourself