The volume of oxygen required for complete combustion of ethylene and acetylene is 2 or 7 times that of the original mixture The volume of hydrogen consumed in total addition reaction is twice that of the original gas mixture In addition, is ethane produced by the addition of acetylene and hydrogen here

The volume of oxygen required for complete combustion of ethylene and acetylene is 2 or 7 times that of the original mixture The volume of hydrogen consumed in total addition reaction is twice that of the original gas mixture In addition, is ethane produced by the addition of acetylene and hydrogen here

The addition of acetylene to hydrogen must produce ethane because of the excess of H2
Analysis: let the volume of ethylene and acetylene be x and Y respectively
C2H4----3O2 C2H2------2.5O2
1 3 1 2.5
X 3X Y 2.5Y
2.7(X+Y)= 3X + 2.5Y X/Y = 2/3
C2H4---- H2 C2H2------ 2H2
1 1 1 2
X X Y 2Y
(x + 2Y) / (x + y) = 8 / 5 = 1.6 A: the volume of hydrogen consumed is 1.6 times that of the original gas mixture
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Under the same conditions, the volume of oxygen required for the complete combustion of acetylene and ethylene mixture is 2.8 times that of the mixture, then the mixture and H2 are added
The volume of H2 required for the reaction is? Times of the volume of the mixed gas
A 1.2 B1.4 C1.6 D1.8

C2H2 +2.5O2 ---2CO2 +H2O
C2H4 +3O2 --2CO2 +2H2O
2.5 0.2
two point eight
3 0.3
That is C2H2: C2H4 = = 2:3
2 mol C2H2 needs H2 2 * 2 = 4 mol
3 mol C2H4 requires 3 mol H2
Choose B

When the mixture of ethylene and acetylene burns completely, the volume of oxygen consumed is 2.8 times of that of the mixture, and the relative density of the original mixture to hydrogen is?

Let X be the volume fraction of ethylene in the gas mixture, then
Because the complete combustion of one molecule of ethylene needs three molecules of nutrient gas, while the complete combustion of one molecule of acetylene only needs 2.5 molecules of oxygen
The solution is x = 0.6
The relative density of hydrogen is as follows: