A section of cuboid wood is 1.2 meters long. If you want to cut it short by 2 cm, its volume will be reduced by 40 cubic cm

A section of cuboid wood is 1.2 meters long. If you want to cut it short by 2 cm, its volume will be reduced by 40 cubic cm

1.2 m = 120 cm, 40 △ 2 × 120 = 20 × 120 = 2400 (cubic cm); a: the original volume of this section of wood is 2400 cubic cm

What is the volume of the largest cylinder made of a cube wood with an edge length of 10cm? What is the volume of the largest cone made of this cylinder?

Radius 10 △ 2 = 5cm
Cylinder volume 5x5x3.14x10 = 785 cubic centimeter
Cone volume 785x1 / 3 = 785 / 3cm
If other problems are added,

When the cube wood with a volume of 27 cubic centimeters is processed into the largest cylinder, the volume of the cylinder is?

The maximum height of the cylinder can only be the side length of the cube, the maximum area of the bottom of the cylinder can only be the inscribed circle of the square, and its diameter is the side length of the cube, ∵ volume of the cube = side length & # 179; = 27cm & # 179;, ∵ side length of the cube = 3cm
Then the volume of the cylinder = (π D & # 178 / 4) × H = (3.14 × 3 & # 178 / 4) × 3 = 21.195cm & # 179;