The sum of two times of a prime number and three times of another prime number is 100. What is the product of the two prime numbers?

The sum of two times of a prime number and three times of another prime number is 100. What is the product of the two prime numbers?

Two times of a prime number must be even, and three times of another prime number must be even, so one prime number is 2, the other prime number is (100-2 * 3) / 2 = 47, and the product is 2 * 47 = 94

The sum of three times of a prime number and two times of another prime number is 100. What is the product of these two prime numbers

Prime numbers are all odd except 2. The problem is that the sum of three times of a prime number and two times of another prime number is 100, which is even. Therefore, the first prime number must be even, that is, 2
So three times the first number is 2 × 3 = 6
So the second number is: (100-6) △ 2 = 47
So these two prime numbers are 2 and 47, respectively
The product of these two prime numbers is 2 × 47 = 94

The sum of two prime numbers is 18 and the product is 77. These two numbers are______ And______ .

77 = 11 × 7, 11 + 7 = 18, so the two numbers are 11,7