Writing idioms: for example, 10000-0 (1) Square of 1000 = 100 × 100 × 100 (thousands) (2) 1 / 100 (one in a hundred) (3)35 35 35 35( ) (4)2,4,6,8,10( )

Writing idioms: for example, 10000-0 (1) Square of 1000 = 100 × 100 × 100 (thousands) (2) 1 / 100 (one in a hundred) (3)35 35 35 35( ) (4)2,4,6,8,10( )

(3) 35 (in groups of three or five)
(4) 2,4,6,8,10

10000-0 (absolutely safe) 9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot () 333 and 555 () 1 + 2 + 3 ()
If you know, come back quickly. I will adopt it soon

9 inches + 1 inch = 1 foot (gain an inch) 333 and 555 (three or five groups) 1 + 2 + 3 (one after another)

Have you ever guessed a number riddle? For example, 10000-0 = 10000, guessing an idiom is: never fail. Please think about it: 1000 = 10
Have you ever guessed a mathematical riddle? For example: 10000-0 = 10000, guessing an idiom is: absolutely safe. Please think about it: 1000 = 100 × 100 × 100, guessing an idiom should be () (a) do everything possible (b) choose one in a hundred (c) thousands of (D) various

Choose (c) tens of thousands, because you want 100 × 100 × 100 = 1000, but the calculation is more than 1000, even 10000, so choose (c) "tens of thousands"