For example, how long does it take for a 300m long train to pass through a 1600m tunnel at a speed of 36km / h? How long does the whole train spend in the tunnel?

For example, how long does it take for a 300m long train to pass through a 1600m tunnel at a speed of 36km / h? How long does the whole train spend in the tunnel?

The distance a train needs to pass through the tunnel is equal to the length of the tunnel plus the length of the train = 1600 + 300 = 1900m = 1.9km, and the time required is equal to the distance divided by the speed of the vehicle, so the time = 1.9/36 hours = 190 seconds
The time of the whole vehicle in the tunnel is equal to the length of the tunnel minus the length of two vehicles divided by the speed of the vehicle, so the time = (1.9-2x0.3) / 36 hours = 130 seconds

There is a 100 meter long train, passing through a 1200 meter long bridge at the speed of 25 meters per second, and arriving at the bridge from the locomotive


A bridge is 3600 meters long. How long does it take for a 900 meter long train to cross the bridge at 1500 meters per minute
Please answer before 7:30, according to the content

(3600 + 900) △ 1500 = 3 points
A: it takes 3 points to get on the bridge from the front and leave the bridge from the rear

A railway bridge is 100 meters long, and a train is l meters long. It takes one minute for a train to pass through the bridge. What is the speed of the train

Complete passing means that the train actually travels (L + 100) meters from the front to the rear
The time is 60 seconds
The speed is (100 + L) / 60 meters per second

The length of a railway bridge is 200 meters, and there is a train with the length of N meters passing through the bridge. It is measured that it takes 1 minute for the train to get on the bridge and pass the bridge completely
What's the speed of the train per second

Analysis: the distance from the beginning of the train to the bridge is (200 + n) meters, the time is 1 minute = 60 seconds, according to the speed = distance / time,
&#Let the speed of the train be v
A: the speed of the train is (200 + n) / 60 meters per second

It took 15 seconds for a train to pass Xiaoming. How long does it take for a train to pass a 100 meter long bridge at the same speed?

Suppose Xiao Ming stands still and the train speed is constant
Train length = 15 seconds * speed
When passing through the bridge, the calculation starts from the locomotive entering the bridge, and then the train leaves at the tail;
Actual passing length = bridge length + train length
Time = (100 + 15 seconds * speed) / speed = 100 / speed + 15 seconds
Insufficient conditions, need to know the speed of the train. In order to calculate the passing time
Or the length of the train

A bridge is 372 meters long. A train is 138 meters long. It takes 15 seconds from the locomotive to the end of the train to leave the bridge. How fast does the train pass through the bridge?


A train passes a bridge at the speed of 2160 meters per minute. The time for the whole train to be completely on the bridge is 2.5 minutes. The known length of the bridge is 5680 meters. How to calculate the speed of the train
Let the length of the train be X
According to the conditions
5680-x = 2160 * 2.5 is obtained
Find out x = 280
The length of several trains is 280 meters
Is the answer correct? If so
So the distance of the train on the bridge is the length of the bridge + the length of the train should be greater than the length of the bridge, but why should we subtract 2160 * 2.5 from the length of the bridge

The title says that the train is completely on the bridge, so when you enter the bridge, you have to wait until the end of the train arrives on the bridge
At this time, the locomotive is one train's length away from the bridgehead
And in the bridge is, once the front of the car left the bridge is not completely on the bridge
Therefore, if we only look at the locomotive, the locomotive has passed the distance of the bridge length minus the train length during the time when the train is completely on the bridge
Bridge crossing time is another concept. From the front of the car entering the bridge to the rear of the car leaving the bridge, it is counted as crossing the bridge. So just look at the front of the car. At the beginning, the front of the car enters the bridge. When it comes out, the front of the car has already left the bridge for a long distance, so the bridge crossing distance is the length of the bridge plus the length of the car
Maybe it's confusing the two?

A train passes a bridge at the speed of 2160 meters per minute. The time for the whole train to be completely on the bridge is 2.5 minutes. The known bridge length is 5680 meters, which is the length of the train______ Rice

(5680-2160 × 2.5) △ 2, = 280 △ 2, = 140 (m); answer: the length of this train is 140 M

A train passes a bridge at the speed of 2160 meters per minute. The time for the whole train to be completely on the bridge is 2.5 minutes. The known bridge length is 5680 meters, which is the length of the train______ Rice

(5680-2160 × 2.5) △ 2, = 280 △ 2, = 140 (m); answer: the length of this train is 140 M