We need to solve the linear equation with one variable For a three digit number, a hundred digit number is 4 times smaller than a single digit number, and a ten digit number is 1 times larger than the sum of a single digit number and a hundred digit number. The value of the three digit number is just 25 times that of the ten digit number

We need to solve the linear equation with one variable For a three digit number, a hundred digit number is 4 times smaller than a single digit number, and a ten digit number is 1 times larger than the sum of a single digit number and a hundred digit number. The value of the three digit number is just 25 times that of the ten digit number

Let the single digit be X
Hundred: 1
Ten digits: 7
Single digit: 5
The number is 175
Use it

It's a linear equation with one variable. I'll finish today
It takes 12 hours for a ship to return to land a. the known water velocity is 3 km / h. what is the average speed of the ship in the golden water?
A "harmony" EMU running on Hainan east ring high speed railway has 6 first-class and second-class carriages, with a total of 496 seats, including 64 first-class carriages and 92 second-class carriages. The number of first-class carriages and second-class carriages of the train is calculated
It takes 1.5h less for an air carrier to sail downwind from a to B than to sail drowned from B to A. It is known that the ship's velocity in still water is 18km / h and the water velocity is 2km / h. The distance between a and B can be calculated

Suppose the average speed of the ship in still water is XKM. Suppose there are 6-x first class cars and X second class cars. 8 (x + 3) = 12 (x-3) 64 (6-x) + 92x = 496, 8x + 24 = 12x-36

A table consists of a table top and four legs. One cubic meter of wood can make 50 round tables, or 300 legs. How many round tables can be made in five cubic meters
Please use the equation

If you can make up to x tables, you can make 4x legs